Find success in the field with FORM.

Wendy's case study thumbnail

Wendy’s Modernizes Data Collection with FORM

Wendy’s came to FORM looking for new ways to create a better experience for their customers. FORM took on the challenge of providing Wendy’s franchise and company operators with the tools they need to accurately evaluate and coach their restaurant teams to drive operational excellence.

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Marketsource case study

MarketSource Connects Mobile Workforce with FORM + FieldConnector

By putting FORM into the hands of its workforce, MarketSource is gaining real-time information on clients’ products, training, campaigns, and successes from thousands of sources. Because frontline reporting is now as seamless as possible, MarketSource employees cover more ground, gather more information, and deliver more value daily.

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Food city

Food City: Improving survey turnaround time with FORM

Food City’s solution makes it easy to reach their large loyalty database with highly accessible surveys. Surveys are sent via email, logged within a report, and quickly distributed to the right people. Management teams have rapid access to the results, making it simple to track results over time. Meanwhile, in-store employees can capture consumer surveys even without an internet connection.

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Healthcare provider

A healthcare network improves infection audits

A assisted living network needed COVID-19 infection control audits. Their FORM solution dramatically improved employee compliance with clear in-app prompts and on-the-spot corrections. With help from built-in dashboards, facility managers and operational leaders now have a clear understanding of where potential risk areas lie at the local, regional, and global levels.

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Beverage manufacturing

A beverage organization tracks symptoms

A beverage organization was required by new regulations to determine if employees exhibited symptoms of COVID-19 before entering their locations. Using the FORM platform, they were able to quickly deploy a COVID-19 form that workers could easily access by scanning QR codes located at entrances. When symptoms were reported, the solution automatically emailed the results directly to management.

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Stars, Stripes, and Store Insights

Fourth of July Field Team Booster

Team up with GoSpotCheck and our third-party field team and get extra store visits during the holiday surge.

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