GoSpotCheck by FORM

Checking Out Audit Efficiency: How a Big Box Retailer Achieved a 5% Increase in Performance


A hypermarket superstore in the Northwestern United States opened its doors over 100 years ago, and has since become a local favorite. In 2020, the superstore adopted GoSpotCheck by FORM’s retail execution software to improve its operational efficiency and boost overall store performance. By utilizing the solution’s mobile task management, photo reporting, and real-time insights, the retailer achieved remarkable results, gaining clear visibility of store performance, enabling data-driven decision-making, and experiencing a significant increase in its overall company performance score.

The large retailer, catering to a diverse range of customers, had a substantial presence with numerous stores spread across different districts. Teams would travel to each location to ensure consistent health and safety standards, administer food and department sanitation checks, and customer experience evaluations. With such a vast operation, conducting these audits was complex and time-consuming. The larger company faced challenges in identifying performance gaps and providing targeted support to individual stores that required nurturing.

Adopting GoSpotCheck by FORM

To overcome these challenges and streamline their retail execution process across locations, the retailer decided to implement GoSpotCheck by FORM’s retail execution software. This comprehensive solution offered a mobile task management system that empowered store employees to efficiently complete audits, checks, and evaluations using their smartphones or tablets. The platform also allowed them to upload photo reports in real time, ensuring accurate documentation of store conditions and compliance with regulations.

The Results

Clear Visibility of Store Performances

By deploying GoSpotCheck by FORM, the hypermarket store gained comprehensive visibility into the performance of stores on an individual and district level. The software provided detailed insights into each store’s compliance with set standards, enabling management to identify top-performing stores and those in need of improvement.

Data-Driven Decision-Making

With access to real-time data and detailed reports, the leadership of the retailer could make informed and data-driven decisions. The platform’s analytics and reporting capabilities allowed them to analyze trends, identify recurring issues, and formulate targeted strategies to address performance gaps.

Targeted Support and Nurturing

Equipped with the data insights, the management could provide tailored support to stores that required nurturing. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, they could offer guidance and resources specific to each store’s needs, ensuring a more efficient allocation of resources and efforts.

Overall Performance Improvement

The adoption of GoSpotCheck by FORM led to a substantial increase in the company’s overall performance score. By addressing issues promptly and improving operational efficiency, the retailer superstore achieved an average increase of 5% in its performance score year-over-year.


GoSpotCheck by FORM’s retail execution software proved to be a game-changer for the Northwest-favorite store. The platform’s mobile task management combined with real-time, actionable insights transformed store audits, health and safety checks, and customer experience evaluations into streamlined, data-driven processes. The ability to gain clear visibility of store performances, along with the power to provide targeted support, resulted in a significant increase in the company’s overall performance score. With GoSpotCheck by FORM’s support, the hypermarket superstore continues to thrive, delivering top-notch customer experiences and maintaining its position as a preferred shopping destination for customers across the Northwest.

About GoSpotCheck by FORM

GoSpotCheck by FORM unleashes the power of field teams to drive market execution with the only mobile solution that combines dynamic task management, industry-leading image recognition, photo reporting, field team communications, and advanced reporting – all within one easy-to-use platform. Guide teams, improve execution, and drive sales while creating a shared view of the field that helps leaders make better decisions, faster. Sell more with GoSpotCheck, the field execution app that guides, tracks, and improves performance in real time.

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