Real-Time Analytics AI for Teams

Easy Competitive Intelligence Platform

Clarify your competitive landscape.

Use GoSpotCheck’s mobile image recognition AI to analyze competitor activity from just a photo. Gain visibility into how your competitors are executing at every location—then design data-driven strategies to grow market share quickly.

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Analyze competitor pricing and positioning.

Track trends across categories and regions to keep a pulse on competitor promotions, pricing, premiumization, and seasonal launches. Spot opportunities and competitive threats as they arise, then outsmart your competitors with actionable insights powered by AI.

Identify and fill your share gap.

Create custom reports to evaluate your current market share, then dig deeper into category trends to understand your share gap opportunities. See your existing positions by SKU, analyze competitor share, and determine programs that will deliver the highest share point values.

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Cancel competitive creep.

Use computer vision to perform a thorough retail competitor analysis to see where you’re succeeding—and where you might be at risk. Spotlight regions and categories where your competitors are gaining traction and preserve your place in the market.


Seamless Integrations


Integrate seamlessly with service, work order, CRM, and ERP systems to extend the value of your existing investments.


Use our open API to speed data flow into other systems of record, including data lakes.


Reduce time resetting passwords, ensure better security, and get more valuable work done with SSO and user provisioning.


Share critical data between GoSpotCheck and your CRM so teams always have the most accurate, up-to-date information.

Everything you need to know about Image Recognition.

Yes. Image Recognition data can be seamlessly integrated with commonly-used BI platforms including Looker, Tableau, Power BI, and others. If you don’t currently have a BI platform, Image Recognition data is available in Looker-powered dashboards with Insights by FORM.

After reps capture photos in the field, our AI immediately begins processing each image and tagging products. Reps will receive results on their mobile device within minutes, so they can take action on the insights while they’re still on-site. At the same time, data automatically populates  Insights by FORM reporting dashboards for admins. With Insights by FORM, leaders can view results quickly and easily using custom data visualizations, which can be filtered, sorted, and shared using custom criteria. These data feeds may also be combined with other data sources, like depletion, loyalty, and eCommerce records. FORM provides data insights on demand and replaces spreadsheet-based reporting processes. FORM automatically creates intuitive data visualizations and reporting complete with the most up-to-date results from the field.

Fully-Integrated Tasks & Reporting: Unlike most solutions, Image Recognition by FORM is fully-integrated with our task management, photo reporting, and data insights platform for ultimate efficiency within one app. This provides leaders with the highest level of flexibility in how they manage, track, and report on data from the field, thanks to configurable capabilities like a flexible task engine, filterable photo reporting libraries, and custom business intelligence dashboards. 

Faster Speed-to-Insights: Image recognition data is available for analysis and sharing within minutes, not days or weeks, after data capture. While reps get instant insights on-device while they’re still at the account, leaders can view data quickly and easily from their reporting dashboards–complete with custom visualizations, which can be filtered, sorted, and shared using custom criteria while still being able to integrate this information into their internal BI tools. Many AI vendors merely provide a spreadsheet with raw data that requires manual sorting, and it arrives weeks after that data has been collected—giving leaders lagging insights that cannot be leveraged to drive the actions that lead to immediate sales. 

A Better Rep Experience: Image Recognition by FORM has been extensively tested in the field to provide reps with the most intuitive mobile app on the market. In addition to an easy-to-navigate mobile interface and configurable home screen, FORM’s app also provides reps with on-screen guides when capturing photos, or “Grid Capture,” to ensure the highest-quality results in difficult settings, like narrow aisles, low lighting, or wide back bars. Quality photos provide high-quality data. On the backend, FORM’s Grid Capture automatically corrects and stitches photos together for better insights, and faster, more efficient account visits every time. FORM has also consistently won multiple user awards on G2, including Best Usability, Users Love Us, Most Implementable, and Best Support. Check us out on G2

More Display Types: Capturing data for both on- and off-premise displays has never been easier. Image recognition identifies products and prices for display types including cocktail menus, wine menus, back bars, coolers, cold boxes, shelves, and floor displays to provide the most holistic retail tracking solution for beverage brands and distributors, CPG, and retail.

Flexible Data Structure: Instead of constraining customers to pre-set data categories and syndicated data frameworks, FORM is configured to reflect each customer’s unique data structure so you can capture, analyze, and act on your data, your way. 

Trusted by the world’s top teams.

Southern Glazers
Beam Suntory
Flowers Foods

The benefits of image recognition are speed, accuracy, and almost zero manual input. 

Within 2 minutes and in a few pictures, our sales reps know the exact percentage of LRB category, and the exact SKUs of every item in the cooler. From a compliance standpoint, the biggest win is that we now have an electronic way to audit a store and take a planogram picture.




We can look at the retailers and see which ones are achieving our goals, which ones aren’t, and then provide valuable feedback to the managers so when they do the next go-round of planograms, they can use that information and have a benchmark on how to improve or keep growing.




After implementing GoSpotCheck the JOH team spent 56% less time collecting data and creating reports — time which was then used to build relationships with retailers, secure additional display placements, and drive more business.



Save a Log

We’re hitting every single KPI with this platform–sales, margin, shrink, loss prevention, labor, and more. We believe it’s also leading to reduced turnover, greater productivity, better customer service, and generally a better workplace culture.


Save A Lot

Ready to start working smater?

GoSpotCheck by FORM/Blog

Streamline Your Tasks with Workflows

We’re thrilled to introduce Workflows—your new go-to for ultimate task building and completion. Workflows allow leaders to build a custom course of action and track it from start to finish, ensuring your teams are always on track. Customers with advanced logic enabled are now able

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GoSpotCheck by FORM/Blog

Shelf Smarts: How Grocers Can Outsmart Common Challenges

In today’s rapidly evolving retail landscape, grocery stores face a host of challenges that threaten profitability, customer satisfaction, and long-term growth. Both internal and external pressures are pushing retailers to adapt or risk falling behind in an increasingly competitive market. At the forefront of these

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GoSpotCheck by FORM/Blog

Perfect Your Planogram Process with Pic&Plan AI

Earlier this year, we released our automated planogram detection and compliance feature, giving Consumer Goods teams the ability to automatically detect and analyze every item in their set and instantly get visual verification of placement, availability, pricing, and compliance. Now, we’re excited to announce the

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Schedule a live demo to see FORM in action and learn how it can power productivity from the field.