Ready for Launch: A Bolder and Brighter GoSpotCheck by FORM 🚀

Your favorite work app is about to get even better.

Our team is always seeking ways to improve the user experience and help our customers do great work, delightfully. This summer, we’re refreshing the GoSpotCheck by FORM admin experience with fresher colors, bolder fonts, a brighter background, and more to create the most enjoyable task management, photo reporting, and business insights platform ever. 

Because we know what the power of easy-to-use technology can do for your business: You can work quickly, communicate with your teams easily, and get the real-time data you need to solve problems on-the-spot. In other words, your tech should work for you—and look great while doing it.

The Best is Yet to Come

So what happens when the best tech gets even better? Our customers reap the benefits. It’s the same award-winning functionality you’ve known and loved—only with a few cosmetic updates that you’ll love even more. 

What We're Improving for You

  • Navigate quickly through tasks and reporting with lightweight font. 
  • Find what you need faster with bolder buttons, headers, and link colors that are ADA-compliant.
  • Get energized during your day-to-day with a brighter background—no more dark grey.
  • Be sure you’re in the right place with more intuitive hover states.

Get going!


For current customers, these changes are coming to a desktop near you on July 19th, 2022.

Not a customer and looking to upgrade to the top-rated field management platform in the game? Book a demo to see how all of our powerful capabilities can work for you.

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