Quality Control in Manufacturing

Modern manufacturing plants are investing heavily in the Internet of Things (IoT) to reduce costs, increase production, and generate comprehensive data that enables more intelligent decision-making. Manufacturers can use mobile software to capture, aggregate, and integrate information gathered from walkthroughs, inspections, and internal audits. This allows for better and faster data collection and analysis, allowing leadership to gain a high-level look at how each plant is performing, how the company is performing as a whole, and where day-to-day improvements can be made.

Smart manufacturing, machine learning, and connected manufacturing plants are streamlining modern manufacturing operations while producing more output than ever. But even the most automated facilities still need human operators to configure, maintain, and monitor the machines, as well as measure and manage the quality assurance of the final product. It’s the combination of IoT and people that provides an accurate picture of performance.

Mobile technology allows you to dramatically decrease human-driven problems by making it easy for managers to aggregate and analyze data gathered from inspections and audits. Implementing a simple mobile interface customized to work with your current processes lets manufacturers gather and unify quality control systems to gain a new level of visibility regarding production.

In order to focus on process improvement, companies must consistently analyze and refine their existing procedures. Mobile technology is easy to use, provides instant feedback to allow for real-time corrections and adjustments, and the data collected can help determine the best ways to offer teaching and development that will optimize performance. You can capture and integrate supplier audits, assembly inspections, production line checks, and post-sale data to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of training, equipment, workflows, and standard procedures.

By identifying trends and using data-driven analysis and decision-making, companies with distributed operations can increase the likelihood that each outlet delivers high-quality products. Procedures and workflows can be standardized, collected data is normalized and complete, and a comprehensive view of how things are working at each location can be achieved. That way, you can ensure compliance, practices, and brand and quality control standards are met company-wide.

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